
St Francis Xavier

Catholic Primary School

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Art and Design Intent

We firmly believe that all children have the abilities and talents to become capable, innovative artists and designers no matter their creative background. The use of well-structured creative lessons around art and design, is critical in nurturing the children’s fundamental skills. We believe that it is essential that children have the opportunities to master the basic skills in art and design during EYFS and KS1, this allows the children to then build on these skills in KS2, where they encounter a wider variety of media to work with. With the use of sketch books, children will be able to evaluate, critique and improve their own and others’ pieces of art work. We intend to allow the art and design curriculum to flow through the entirety of the school curriculum, where cross curricular links can be made and the children can therefore use their expressive skills in other lessons.

Year 2 Clay

Year 5: Installation Art

In Reception, we have done some artwork inspired by Alma Thomas which linked to Black History Month.

Year 3 Line drawings

Year 3 explored prehistoric art and how the paintings were produced approximately 17,000 years ago. Using photos of animals we drew some line drawings in our sketchbooks. We then added detail by drawing fur and patterns.

Y2 completed their Map it Out! art project by creating prints. We used small sections of our maps to design a tile then pressed the design into polystyrene using a blunt pencil. Then we used ink and rollers to press the print.

Art: Nursery - Jackson Pollock

Today the children have been creating some amazing artwork based on the work of Jackson Pollock. The children used paintbrushes and sticks to make these beautiful paintings.

Art in Year 2 - Drawing: Mark-making

Year 2 have loved exploring mark-marking as part of their 'Drawing' unit. 

Kandinsky Art

The Nursery children have been learning about the artist Kandinsky. The children loved looking at his famous art work with all the circles. The children especially loved turning their heads upside down and finding out that the painting looks exactly the same upside down. The children then produced their own circles and when joined together, created a piece of art that resembles Kandinsky's. 

Nursery - Art - Dragon Scales

Nursery have been gluing and sticking different materials to make a dragon scale. Don't they look beautiful and colourful? 

Art in Year 2 - Sculpture

Year 2 have been exploring the art form of sculpture. They made their own paper sculptures to experiment with using different materials to create art. They then created their own 'art gallery exhibition' to present their creations to the rest of the class.

Year 4 Henri Rousseau

Nursery - Art - Cutting Skills

Our nursery children have been using their cuttings skills to cut out their paper plate snakes. Don't they look amazing! 

For homework over the Christmas holidays Year 3 have created and designed their own Europe inspired projects. We have famous landmarks, fact files about different countries and lots of different European flags.

Nursery - STOMP, STOMP, STOMP! Look at those dinosaur footprints and all those dinosaurs!

Nursery children have been exploring dinosaur footprints by placing the dinosaur's feet in paint and printing them onto the paper. Nursery children have also been drawing some amazing dinosaurs and mixing colours to paint their dinosaur.

Amazing Jackson Pollock inspired art by Reception class. Children have been looking at the artwork of Jackson Pollock and created a wonderful piece of artwork!

Look at these amazing snowmen! Children have been making snowmen using our playdough and exploring different objects to make the snowman's body. I think these children are all ready for snow!

Our Nursery children have enjoyed exploring a range of expressive art and design opportunities and techniques.

Year Three- Using clay to create UK landmarks

Still image for this video
Year Three have been using clay to create UK landmarks in art. In groups, we rolled, flattened and manipulated the clay to create the famous landmarks The Angel of the North and Stone Henge. After each person made one part of the landmark, the group then added the different parts all together to make one larger landmark. Here are our final UK landmark creations!

Year 1 had fun mixing secondary colours and practicing circular paintbrush motion in the style of Wassily Kandinsky’s famous art work!

Year 1 have been exploring primary and secondary colours...

Exploring art across the curriculum in Year 2...

Year 2 have been using their art skills across the curriculum. In RE, they created a piece of artwork with watercolours, celebrating the fact that God is always with us. They used their skills learnt in their 'painting' unit to carefully craft their work.

Exploring art with natural resources! Reception children have enjoyed using pastel crayons to make pictures of the natural resources!

Roald Dahl Day!

What is your dream for the year ahead?

Wonderful Art - Reception children have been using autumnal colours to make lovely artwork. Children have been using beads and paint and rolling it along the page to create some beautiful patterns!

Arts and Crafts club!

Arts and Crafts club have celebrated the changing of the seasons by creating their own unique autumnal trees. They used a mixture of paintbrushes and broccoli to add texture to their work. 
