Maths Intent at St Francis Xavier
We strongly believe that all children, no matter what their starting points, can become confident, competent mathematicians. The use of Inspire Maths Mastery is fundamental to ensuring children experience a range of concrete, pictoral and abstract learning to maximise their understanding of mathematics. It is essential that, through EYFS and KS1, children have a secure knowledge of number at the earliest opportunity and use all available time to make as much progress as possible in this area. Our Maths curriculum, through consistent high expectations and challenge, ensures the majority of children leave KS2 with sustained Mastery. This means children are fluent in basic concepts, can reason mathematically and are able to make links with their knowledge to solve problems in relation to National standards. It is our intent that children build on some of the school’s intents in Maths specifically, working independently and collaboratively, building on prior knowledge, show resilience and peer and self-reflect.
Y2 - Measuring in centimetres
This week Nursery have been doing some amazing work on subitising. The children have been subitising very quickly!
This week the children have been comparing amounts using the words more than and fewer than.
This week the children have been focusing on the composition of numbers. The children have been working really hard.
The children have been working really hard on representing numbers.
This week the children have been linking numerals to amounts.
The Nursery children have been comparing objects and seeing if they are longer or shorter.
Year One have been identifying and ordering the 12 months of the year. We linked this to our previous lessons of ordinal numbers by saying which is the 3rd month, etc. We made a paper chain of the months of the year.
Today we explored quarters. We learnt that splitting something into quarters has to be four equal parts. We split paper, bread and a biscuit into quarters. We also looked at splitting shapes into quarters.
Today we explored halves. We learnt that splitting something into half has to be two equal parts. We split paper, bread and a biscuit into halves. We also looked at splitting shapes in half.
Our Nursery children have been working really hard at recognising shapes. The children went on a shape hunt indoors and outdoors and managed to lots of objects of different shapes. The children also made their own dragons out of shapes, using circles as the head and triangles as the ears and teeth.
Nursery children have been looking at measuring snakes using their feet and cubes. Some snakes were as big as 13 footsteps and some were as small as 10 cubes.
Year 2 have been learning all about Multiplication and Division in Maths.
This week nursery have been working really hard on linking their numbers to amounts. Nursery children have been making groups of objects that match the number shown. The children especially enjoyed counting out dinosaurs!
Nursery have been looking at lots of shapes this week. Children were particularly interested in the circle and making snowmen out of 3 different sized circles. Children talked about how the circle is round and that it has no straight sides. Children have been exploring shapes in playdough and making lots of circles.
Year 6 have been taught the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and have been applying these skills to worded problems.
Year 5 have been taught formal written methods for addition and subtraction, and have then been applying those skills when problem solving.
Year 4 have been practising a formal written method for addition and subtraction and applying these skills to problems.
Year 3 have been practising a formal written method for addition and subtraction and have been applying these skills to solve problems.
Year 2 have been looking at place value and counting in multiples of 10.
Year 1 have been looking at place value within 10.