
St Francis Xavier

Catholic Primary School

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Personal Development



At St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School, we endeavour to enable every child to become confident, resilient individuals with a good understanding of diversity and how to positively contribute to the society in which they live. We strive to enable our pupils to take part in a wide range of cultural experiences during their time in our school including those that would fall outside of their typical experiences.


In order to achieve this, we offer a range of clubs before school, after school and during lunchtimes as well as a full programme of educational visits to enrich the school’s curriculum offer. These opportunities cover a range of essential life skills and cultural experiences that develop confidence, friendships and embed an understanding of positive mental health. Pupils have the opportunity to contribute to the life of the school by serving on pupils bodies, to engage with members of the community both in the local area and the national and global communities and develop their understanding of being good citizens. Our whole school curriculum is designed to provide our pupils with opportunities to learn through contexts relevant to their own experiences and to provide windows into learning and culture from around the world.


Through our RSE & RE curriculum, Picture News, school assemblies, daily acts of collective worship, whole school initiatives and our approach to managing behaviour, our children are given the opportunity to develop their own characteristics and understand the values and differences of those around them. Our pupils are taught explicitly about fundamental British Values and how they are applicable to their own personal context.

Personal Development Offer 2024-2025

Thank you to all our children, parents and staff who supported our Winter Fayre

Today we awarded our school council with a special badge, so children throughout school can recognise them.

Coding Club - Autumn 1

This half term children enjoyed taking part in many different coding projects at coding club including making their own games and rock bands.

St Francis Xavier 90th Anniversary celebration

Zones of Regulation assembly

The School Council created the friendship stop/friendship ambassadors to combat loneliness for anti-bullying week. We introduced the idea to the whole school in Monday's assembly. We went through the friendship stop sign and how the friendship stop works. Finally we created a timetable to ensure a friendship ambassador is monitoring the friendship stop sign at all times on break times and lunch times.

Thank you to all parents who attended our KS1 Phonics workshop. It was great to see so many parents and hear such great feedback from the meeting. 

Thank you to all parents who joined us for our EYFS Phonics workshop.

Our Chess club have been enjoying learning new moves and tactics to help them win their games. 

Year 3 - Trip to the Museum

Year 3 went on a school trip to the local museum, where they learnt more about their current history topic 'The Stone Age'. Year 3 completed a Stone age workshop, where they analysed artefacts from the Stone Age and learnt about coprolites which tells us what type of foods people from the Stone Age may have included in their diets!  

Year 4 went on a school trip to the local museum where they learnt more about Roman Britain. This has helped enrich current topic learning and give insight into the next history topic. Whilst on the trip, Year 4 engaged in a workshop about the Romans, had a look around the museum and even handled Roman artefacts over 2000 years old ! 
