
St Francis Xavier

Catholic Primary School

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Class Teacher:
Miss Lowe


Early Years Practitioner: 
Mrs Oetting



Hello everyone! A warm welcome to our Reception class page.

We hope you have had a wonderful break and are as excited as we are to start our new topic this half term.


Our topic this half term is 'Myself and My World'.

Throughout this topic, children will share what they know about themselves and their families. They will compare what makes them similar and different to their friends. Following this we will explore transport and the different ways we can travel around the world, exploring different countries and occupations. 


Homework will be sent out weekly, every Tuesday, and we encourage all children to interact with the tasks set via Numbots. Access to Numbots can be found via homework sheets, or our class useful links page.


Thank you!




Exploring our differences-we are all special!

Exploring patterns!

Exploring how we can care of God's amazing world!

Ordering objects by size!

We enjoyed exploring making sounds with instruments!

Making matches!

Exploring our likes and dislikes! We loved our homemade pizzas!

Exploring The Story of Creation

Exploring our motor skills in the outdoors!

Maths Sorting Superstars!

We had a very important delivery from the History museum yesterday! They trusted Reception to look after their last dinosaur egg. We were so shocked as we thought they were extinct! We have been looking after our egg, and watching it closely to see any changes!

We have been learning all about the important job of a Paramedic! We explored some of their responsibilities, and learnt some of the important steps involved in CPR!

Extinction of the dinosaurs! We explored the impact that asteroids would have on the earth!

Exploring Weight! We transformed into human weighing scales!

Exploring Capacity!

Exploring the Holy Spirit- We ran in the wind with our bubbles to celebrate the Holy Spirit. You can't see it but you can feel it!

Dinosaurs Love Underpants-We have been learning about how Cavemen made their clothes!

Exploring Money!

We have been learning about Cavemen! Look at our Cave Art!

Holi Celebrations!

Stop Deforestation!

RE- Exploring Good Friday

Learning about the layers of the rainforest

Yorkshire Wildlife Park Trip

Learning Addition!

World Book Day

Reception loved dressing up for World Book Day! We shared our favourite stories and talked about our favourite characters. We read "The tiger who came to tea", in which the tiger eats all the food in the families house, so we decorated some biscuits to feed the hungry tiger!

Local History

We have been exploring local history! We have looked at school in the war, and comparing it to our school now and made a time capsule. We even predicted what it would look like in the future!


Father Henry visited Reception to distribute ashes for the start of Lent. We wore these with pride throughout the day!

Pollution Experiment
We have been learning about pollution. 

We filled two jars with white flowers. One jar was filled with clean water, and we polluted the other jar by adding red food colouring, and the children made predictions about what could happen.

We are waiting to find out the results!


Which is the strongest biscuit?

Jesus washing his disciples feet

We listened and explored the meaning of this story and acted it out with our friends.

Jack and the Beanstalk Story Maps

We created our own story maps to retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk!

Bedtime Stories 

Reception had a Pajama day at school and brought in their favourite bedtime story! We read these in class and they shared them with their friends. We love books in our class, and they loved this immersive day!

Exploring grouping and sharing

Reception have been learning about how we can group quantities, and share them. We explored the concepts of equal and unequal!

Our story this week is The Gingerbread Man. We made our own gingerbread men, but now they have all ran away! The children will need to find them tomorrow so that we can decorate them!

The life cycle of a bean plant

Reception have been learning about Jack and the beanstalk, and we have planted our own bean plants. We have explored different parts of the plant and the stages of its growth! We have been looking after our plants and watering them everyday, to watch the stages of growth come to life!

Exploring numbers within 15


We have been exploring numbers within 15. We have focused on number formation, one to one counting, ordering numbers, and exploring number facts such as one more and one less!

Three Little Pigs

We have had lot's of fun today making pizzas to feed the big bad wolf, so we can help to save the three little pigs!

Maths update!

Last week the children explored addition and subtraction. They did amazing!

Let's make some music!

This week the children have been exploring beats in music. We created them using our bodies, and instruments.

It's safe to say the children had lots of fun!

Today we had a very special visitor!

As part of our topic traditional tales, we have been learning about real hero's who could help our characters.
We know that a firefighter would be able to rescue jack from the top of the Beanstalk using their long ladder.
Today, we learnt about all of the other things they do to help us. We even got to try on their uniform!

The children asked lot's of questions and got to find out lots of new useful information!

We know that if we ever need help we can call 999.

We have been exploring our likes and dislikes!


The children had lot's of fun exploring stories and conversations about things that we like and dislike. We discussed how different things can make us feel a variety of ways, both good and bad, and that is okay! We went on to say how we can deal with our emotions, and the children came up with many ideas, such as talking to a friend, or telling a grown up!

As you can see, the children made charts, and told eachother about the things that they like and dislike. They then wanted to make their own emotion cards to show that there are many emotions that we might feel everyday!

Our Learning

End of half term parent workshop!

This week in picture news, we learnt about the Fagradalsfjall volcano eruption! The children were sad to hear that people have been asked to leave their homes but were happy that everyone is safe! We made our own volcano and watched it explode. We then created our own volcano pictures!

The children have loved exploring the snow!

This week in Reception, we have been exploring capacity! We have been using the vocabulary: empty, half full and full! The children enjoyed making oat cakes for Polly's bakery!

In Reception, we have been making thankful leaves and attaching them to our autumn tree! Lots of children said they were thankful for their families, friends and teachers! We are thankful for all of the wonderful children in our class!

Today we have been using clay to make hedgehogs! We then developed our fine motor skills by adding some spikes, eyes and a nose!

Today we have enjoyed making prayer beads! Lots of children have made some wonderful prayers for their families.

What's in the news? Did you know that Amazon have hired robots? Today we learnt about this news story and talked about what kind of robot we would design. Some children said their robots would make ice creams and clean up! What fantastic ideas!

All Aboard the magic train ride! We hope all the parents have enjoyed our end of topic lesson as much as we have!

We have enjoyed learning about emotions using The Colour Monster story. We talked about how we feel and matched the correct colour monster to our feelings.

Mark making and reading in Reception!

We have been using blocks to create models of cars and buildings.

We are becoming excellent mathematicians! We have explored counting, comparing and pattern!

We have been busy making collages of ourselves.

We have been exploring how we have changed since we were babies. We have enjoyed talking about how we grow, learn and develop!

We have enjoyed making crosses to remind us of God's love for everyone.

This week in Reception we have enjoyed setting up a teddy bear's picnic to explore matching objects in equal and unequal sets! We have been using new vocabulary such as: same, different, compare, guess and equal! The children have made the teachers so proud of their fantastic learning this week! Great job, Reception!

Our RE topic is 'Myself'. We have been developing an understanding of our first and family names. We also discussed happy times we have shared with our families.

In Reception we have enjoyed talking about our families. We have been celebrating how all families are different and special! Take a look at our fantastic drawings and writing!

In Reception we have enjoyed exploring different cultures within families as we talked about traditions and beliefs. We discovered how cultures vary by exploring different music, food, clothes, celebrations and languages from all around the world!

Our visit to The Yorkshire Wildlife Park

We have been learning about grouping and sharing.

We have enjoyed making crowns!

We have enjoyed planting beans and placing them in different environments to see how they grow!

We were very excited to discover the frogspawn in our classroom! We talked about the life cycle of a frog and created a habitat to help them survive.

On World Book Day, we enjoyed dressing up, sharing books and using props to act out our favourite stories!

Today we planted some seeds in our outdoor area. We talked about what plants need to help them to grow and made signs to remind others not to dig in this area.

We have been learning about how the parish family gathers together to celebrate. We created a church, danced, read bible stories and wrote thank you cards to God for his guidanace. We also listened to the story of Jesus with the children and acted it out using small world figures.

For our Religious Understanding RSE lesson we were learning about role models. We learnt through the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet that Jesus is our ultimate role model and we should always follow his example. So we showed love to each, like Jesus, by washing each other's feet.

Did you know that many reptiles lay eggs!? We talked about which animals lay eggs and how baby reptiles are very independent at the start of their life! We then used paper mache to create our own reptile eggs.


Meet Apollo! Apollo is a bearded dragon who belongs to one of our pupils. It was very exciting to learn about how he is cared for!

This week, we started our new topic: Chomp, Stomp, ROAR! We have been using our small world to retell stories and create our own. Inspired by our text: The Girl and the Dinosaur, some children have also become paleontologists!

Today we explored our frozen playground. We talked about why water turns solid and how it melts. We also discovered some beautiful cobwebs which had frozen.

As we get ready for Christmas, there's so many things to do! I'm trying to remember, Jesus, that it all comes back to you. I am part of your family, a branch on this Jesse Tree. Help me listen to these stories, and what they are saying to me. Amen.

I’m Stick Man, I’m Stick Man, I’M STICK MAN, that’s me...This week we have been bringing our story to life by creating the characters, acting out the story and writing signs to help the stickman find his family tree!

Today in RE children helped set up for our RE lesson! Children enjoyed the independence. In our lesson we talked about Hannukah and children had lots of questions. Children learnt about the oil that helped keep the menorah candles burning!

Children have been learning all about the number 5 and looking at the number bonds to 5!

All about teeth and staying healthy! Reception had a lovely visit from ladies from the NHS! Children learnt all about teeth and ways to look after them! Children had lots of questions!

Remembrance Day - Children created their own poppies, which they held during the 2 minutes silence with the whole school! Children then made more poppies using tissues paper! Children remembered everyone who had fought for our country and were so grateful for all they had done!

Messy Art with Jackson Pollock! Reception children have been looking at the artwork of Jackson Pollock and created their own Jackson Pollock inspired art using paint, spoons and sticks!

October - Month of the Rosary! During today's collective worship, children were given rosary beads to hold while they were praying. Children learnt all about rosary beads and were able to ask questions!

Today children have been sat in our cosy den outside reading our story The Gruffalo! Children enjoyed pointing out their favourite characters.

Today children have been learning all about Baptism. Children learnt about what happens when a baby gets baptised and were able to take it in turns to act it out.

Today in RE children have been talking about being kind and how we can be kind to others!

Reception children have been using their instruments to sing their autumn song!

Welcome - In RE reception have been talking about how we would welcome someone new into our class. Our children loved meeting our new friend and giving them lots of hugs!

Bear Snores On - Reception children have enjoyed learning about the story Bear Snores On. Children have been acting out the story using the puppets and cardboard boxes!

Autumnal Art - Reception children have been exploring using pastel crayons to make autumnal pictures of leaves! Children enjoyed collecting the leaves and using them in their art.

Exploring Patterns - In maths reception children have been exploring patterns. Children have been making patterns using natural materials and also from different objects in the school!

Making music everywhere! Today children have been using different instruments and have been exploring the musical term tempo. Children played the instruments very fast and also very slow!

Who is taller? Children in maths have been exploring who is taller and who is shorter in their class. Children have had lots of fun seeing how tall they are!

What letters are hidden on the pumpkins? Children have been exploring the letters and have enjoyed trying to write the letters!

Owl babies everywhere! Children have been enjoying the story Owl Babies. Children have been making sure that they are quiet and gentle when handling the owl babies in the box!

Lots of building and counting. Children have been building towers in maths and comparing which tower is bigger and which tower is smaller!

Look at this amazing art! Today children used beads and paint to create some beautiful artwork. Children enjoyed mixing different colours and using the trays to create move the ball around the page!

This week in Maths, children have been looking at matching objects. Today children had to find a friend who had the same sock to complete their pair! Children had so much for and did such a great job!

Children enjoyed using blocks to count the number of letters in their name!

Reception had a lovely first day back at school after the summer holidays! Children decided to put on a talent show for their fellow peers. Children loved joining in and showing their support!

Homework: Homework is given out each Friday and is due in the following Friday. Homework consists of phonics sounds the children have learnt this week along with a reading for pleasure book from our school library. We challenge each child to share a story with their adult every evening. Please return your book and signed reading record to show you have read at home.  


