
St Francis Xavier

Catholic Primary School

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Teacher: Miss Morris

TA:  Ms S Wells


     Hello everyone!

          A warm welcome to our Year Three class page.


We are looking forward to exploring our exciting new topics over the Spring 1 term with a focus on Ancient Egypt. Please revisit this page to find updates, useful websites and to explore what we have been learning about in class. We can't wait to see the progress and achievements each individual makes in Year Three. 


PE will take place on a Thursday this term. 

Book Talk- Discovering the parcel from 'Secrets of a Sun King'

Literacy- Following instructions for 'How to make a Canopic Jar'

Science- Rocks and Fossils- Testing the permeability of soil

Science- Rocks and Fossils

History - Stone, Bronze and Iron Age

Music - Creating composition

Book talk - The Train To Impossible Pages

RE - Serving

Literacy - explanation text

Spanish - Ancient Britain

Topic - climates and climate zones

DT - design a castle

Maths - angles and shape

Science - Plants

History - Ancient Egypt

We have been looking at where and when Ancient Egypt was and the changes in the three different kingdoms (old, middle and new kingdom)

Literacy - Adventure Narrative

In literacy we immersed ourselves by exploring different Egyptian settings. The class had to take turns at describing each setting without giving the answer away.

RSE- respecting our bodies

We learnt in RSE that our bodies are a gift from God. We made a poster to show how we can respect and care for our bodies. For example, we made suggestions like eating healthy or exercising more.

Maths - Addition and subtraction - estimations

Year 3 had fun estimating different addition and subtraction sums.

Year 3 trip to the library

Year 3 went on a trip to Doncaster library. The librarian started by showing us different books that were looked after and books that people hadn't looked after and how we can care for books. She then read us poems and we explored the different books available in the library.


Recently we have been learning the names of different animals in Spanish which is a subject new to us our in Year 3 curriculum. 

Picture News

In Picture News we have looked at what is going on in the news recently and discussed our thoughts and opinions on the weekly question "are there some jobs robots cold never do?".  We discussed different job roles that robots could and couldnt do.

Computing - Simulations

In Year 3 we have began learning about simulations in our computing lessons. So far we have looked at what a simulation is and why/ how we might use them and then we explored different types of simulations. 

School trip to the museum

Year 3 visited the Doncaster Museum for a workshop linking to their History topic (Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age). During the visit they were able to put their knowledge of our topic to the test. 

Comparing and analysing informational texts

Year 3 analysed and compared two different informational texts. They identified what they liked and disliked as well as which one they thought was the best. They identified features such as the title, subheadings and paragraphs.

Exploring UK mountains using maps

In Geography we explored  different areas of mountains and hills in the UK. We learnt the difference between mountains and hills. Then, we used a map to label the different famous mountains in the UK. 

Line drawings

Year 3 explored prehistoric art and how the paintings were produced approximately 17,000 years ago. Using photos of animals we drew some line drawings in our sketchbooks. We then added detail drawing fur and patterns.

For our first Science lesson we explored what a rock is. We conducted an investigation where we explored the three different types of rocks. We described how they felt and made predictions on what type of rock we thought it was.

In DT Year 3 made Japanese fruit skewers using a set of instructions. We used bananas, peaches, watermelon and strawberries to make our skewers. Here are our finished results.

History - Stone Age

Science - Skeletons and Muscles

RE - Homes



Exploring 3D Shapes

Year Three have loved exploring 3D shapes. They have been able to identify the different properties including how many faces, edges and vertices they have.

Year Three's Incredible Biomes

Character Hot Seating

Year Three challenged themselves to use a variety of sentence openers to write open ended questions for Suzy and Wilmot from The Train to Impossible Places. They then let their creative imaginations come to live by imagining how the characters would answer these questions.

Coronation Day speeches

Year Three have loved role playing the coming of the Holy Spirit


We dressed up as what we aspire to be in the future. We had journalists, singers, artists, footballers and doctors.

Collective Worship: Aspirations

Year Three's prayer and liturgy team decided they wanted the collective worship theme to be aspirations. They planned the whole liturgy from the gather through to the mission, finding their own scripture linking to the theme. They even created a song to call and response with the rest of the class, 'I can be anything I want to be.' 

Aspirations Week

For aspirations week, Year Three have enjoyed discussing what they aspire to be in the future. They explored the characteristics and skills needed for their dream job and created a job advert using these ideas. Year Three went on to apply for the job explaining why they were the ideal candidate. 

In Maths, we explored budgeting. Year Three loved challenging themselves by seeing if they could feed different families sizes with a budget. 

World Book Day 2023

We enjoyed creating our own story with familiar characters with a twist for World Book Day. 

Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Father Henry came into school to do our Ash Wednesday liturgy. He blessed the ash and did the sign of the cross on the teacher's foreheads and gave each class the blessed ash. Then in classrooms we had our own liturgies where we were given the sign of the cross with ash and heard the words "repent and believe the gospel."

Does light travel through all materials?

For our science lesson we were looking at how light travels through materials. We learnt the new vocabulary of opaque, translucent and transparent and their meaning. Using torches we shone the light through different materials to see if they were opaque, transparent and translucent. Finally we ordered the materials from the one that allowed the least light to pass through (opaque) to the one that allows the most light to pass through (transparent).


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Year Three acted out the Gloria.

Immersive Italian cuisine

For the beginning of our Literacy journey we immersed ourselves in the Italian cuisine. We tried different types of pizzas, pastas and macarons. Once we had tried them we described the appearance, the smell and the taste of the food to help us when it comes to the end of journey when writing a persuasive letter about Italy.

Year Three's Trip to the Local Mosque

Year Three really enjoyed visiting the local Mosque to explore the Islam faith further. They were able to discover how Muslims pray, the special features within a Mosque and were able to handle a variety of special artefacts. Year Three were able to go into all of the rooms within the Mosque and see the Wudu ritual take place. They definitely learnt a lot about Islam and the Mosque. 

Internet Safety Day

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For Internet Safety Day we read the story of Hanni and the Magic Window which was about a little girl seeing something that made her feel unsafe and uncomfortable through the magic window. She struggled to keep it a secret and felt much better once she spoke to a trusted adult. The story made us aware of the dangers of the internet and that if we do ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable due to seeing something online that we can speak to a trusted adult about it. Then we wrote down how feeling nervous or anxious effects our bodies such as feeling sick or legs feeling like jelly. In a different colour we wrote adjectives to show how we feel once we have talked about what is bothering us such as confident or relieved.

Music- Space Oddity

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In music this term we have been learning about ballads. We listened to different ballads such as Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers and I will always love you by Whitney Houston. We compared ballads to our last topic of Viking songs as there was a huge difference in lyrics, pitch and instruments used in the songs. We really enjoyed learning this ballad by David Bowie- Space Oddity.

Our flight poems

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For our latest English writing journey we have been learning about poetry. We explored different types of poems and immersed ourselves in flying and going through an airport. We learnt about alliteration, onomatopoeia, similes, rhyming words and different refrains. The children created and wrote their own flight poems then performed them with their own actions. Here are the end results of our own flight poems.

In our computing lesson we were getting better at understanding what a network is. We discussed different types of networks like rail network and electricity networks. We then discussed connections and that means you can share information and documents between computers. We looked at connections that are wired and wireless. We took a class tour around school to find different connections to the server and different networks we could see. Finally, we made a map of our school network showing the different connections between devices. Here is what we found and the maps we made.

Reciting a poem

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In English we have been learning about Poetry. Here is a poem we recited with actions focusing on tone, volume and intonation. Well done Year 3!

For homework over the Christmas holidays Year 3 had to create and design their own Europe inspired projects. We have famous landmarks, fact files about different countries and lots of different European flags.

Immersive English Experience

Year Three loved their 'journey to France' immersive experience.  They went through passport control, airport security, the waiting area and finally boarded the exciting flight to France. They enjoyed discussing the different sounds and sights they would see and hear along the way. Great ideas for their travel poems they will be writing!

Our nativity!

Year 3/4 had an amazing time performing their nativity yesterday! We are all so proud of all the hard work the children put into learning their lines and the songs. Well done to all!

We created amazing posters for Enterprise week. These colourful posters will be displayed on our Winter Fayre stall. We thoroughly enjoyed making reindeer lollies to sell.

RSE- Respecting our bodies

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We explored the importance of respecting our bodies as a gift from God in very practical ways, such as clothing, food and physical exercise. The children reflected on their bodies as a gift from God by suggesting ways they can show respect for their own bodies. Here are their ideas.


Year Three have enjoyed learning about Jewish Synagogues. They went on a virtual tour of different Synagogues online and explored different artefacts found inside. 

Remembrance Day

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For Remembrance Day we all brought in empty plastic bottles to create our own painted poppies. Then we joined the rest of the school in a two minute silence to remember all those who gave their lives for us. Next we attached our painted poppies and pictures we had made for Remembrance Day around the playground. We will remember them!

Stone Age homework projects

For homework over the holidays Year 3 had to create and design their own Stone Age inspired projects. We have spears, drawings, fossils, Stone Age landscapes and caves. Here are the finished projects!

Stone Age Hunting

In Year Three, we designed and created our own Stone Age tools and weapons to hunt animals with. We challenged ourselves to only use Stone Age materials and methods including stone, wood and animal tendons!

Spanish- Counting to 10

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Year 3 have learnt how to count to 10 in Spanish.

RE- Promises

For our Promises topic in RE we explored the different groups we belong to in and out of school and discussed what it means to be in a group and a shared community. 

We then looked at Baptism as a special Sacrament where both our families, Godparents and ourselves make a promise to God. We compared the similarities and differences between Jesus' Baptism and a Baptism that would take place in a Church today.

Black History Month

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For Black History Month Year Three have been focusing on Martin Luther King Jr. We have read poems about him, researched facts about him for homework and rewrote his famous 'I have a dream' speech. The children's 'I have a dream' speeches show their dreams and hopes for themselves as well as the world.

Year Three have been working hard on their Geography skills whilst learning about the United Kingdom. They have been identifying different counties in the UK and using the compass points to explain their location. They have linked their English and Geography work together by using the facts they have found in their non-fiction information texts.


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We started our PE lesson with a warm up of the traffic light game. The children had to stop (red), walk (amber) and sprint (green) when I said a colour. Afterwards we discussed the importance of a warm up. Then we practiced passing the ball to each other, making sure we had control of the ball. After that, we practiced dribbling the ball from one side of the hall to the other, keeping control of our ball. Finally we played a football match using the skills we'd practiced in the session.

National Poetry Day!

For National Poetry Day Year 3 listened and explored different poems. We looked at the rhymes within the poems and said what we liked and disliked about each poem. We listened to poem by Michael Rosen and Dennis Lee. Then we got into groups and practiced reading a poem about Martin Luther King Jr. Each group then read their poem to the class

Spanish- cómo estás, como te llamas

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Year 3 have been learning the basics of Spanish. We are really enjoying learning a new language and getting to speak to others in Spanish. Here is what we have learnt so far.

Art- Using clay to make UK landmarks

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Year Three have been using clay to create UK landmarks in art. In groups, we rolled, flattened and manipulated the clay to create the famous landmarks The Angel of the North and Stone Henge. After each person made one part of the landmark, the group then added the different parts all together to make one larger landmark. Here are our final UK landmark creations!

Year 3 love using the library!

Welcome to our immersive classroom!

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Year 3 told stories through music

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Year 3 started by closing their eyes and listening to a piece of music called 'Night on the bare mountain' by Mussorgsky. Afterwards we discussed what sort of story could go with this music. We mapped out three musical sections and wrote down what would happen in each part of the story linking to the music. Finally, in pairs the children acted out their story alongside the music.

Important Information:


Homework- Homework will be given out each Friday and is due in the following Friday. Homework will usually consist of spellings, timetables practice, and either a SPaG , reading comprehension or a Maths worksheet.


PE- PE is on a Tuesday. All children must have the correct school PE kit of white t-shirt and black shorts. (Track suits may be worn as the weather turns colder). Please ensure that all children have trainers to enable them to fully participate. 


Reading- Children will have the opportunity to take a school reading book home and also have access to reading for pleasure books both in the classroom and in the school library. We challenge each child to aim to read their school book at home every evening. Please bring your book to school daily, along with your signed reading record (by an adult), to show you have read at home. 


If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us at school or arrange a meeting,

Thank you 


Miss Hodby and Miss Langston



Weekly Timetable

Our timetable works on a fortnightly cycle.




Year Three's Reading Challenge

Can you complete our weekly reading challenge? Your aim is to climb each of our reading mountains by the end of the week to see what your prize is. Remember to bring your reading record every day so we can see who has read. You can also win prizes, dojos and certificates for reading at home!
