
St Francis Xavier

Catholic Primary School

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Design and Technology


We believe that all children in our school should have the opportunity to develop a creative mindset, become innovative designers and to critically evaluate their own work. We think that is it vital that children have access to a wide range of materials and resources that can allow them to experiment with design, technique and creativity. The problem solving and critical thinking skills acquired through design technology lessons will be used across the whole school curriculum.

Year 1 - making windmills

Year 3 - design a castle

DT - cooking and nutrition

Year 2: Structures - Baby Bear's Chair

Year 5: Electrical Systems

Year 3- Making Japanese Fruit Skewers

In Design Technology Year 3 made Japanese fruit skewers using a set of instructions. We used bananas, peaches, watermelon and strawberries to make our skewers. Here are our finished results.

Year 4 enterprise week

For our Winter Fayre, Year 4 have designed and made Christmas bouqets to sell. 

In DT, Year 2 have been learning about Mechanisms. They are working towards making a moving storybook all about the Great Fire of London. They have been experimenting with using sliders and levers.
