This week we had the first round draw of the Book World Cup! Which book will win?
In Book Talk, we have been focusing on the skills of summarising events from the text and retrieving information from the text, using our class novel of Mortal Engines.
Year 2
In Book Talk, Year 2 used skimming and scanning skills to sequence events in the text.
In Book Talk in Year 2, we have been reading 'Harry the Poisonous Centipede' by Lynne Reid Banks. We have been practising skills of retrieval, inference, prediction and sequencing. We have also been learning lots of new vocabulary and reading with fluency and expression.
Children spent some time looking at different books. Children all sat in a circle and some children even shared the book they were reading with another friend! Children in nursery love to read different books! We love that they love to read and love books!
In Year 2, we love exploring books and using our imaginations. We regularly explore vocabulary and practise our skills of inference and retrieval in our daily 'Book Talk' sessions.