
St Francis Xavier

Catholic Primary School

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History Intent at St Francis Xavier


History is all around us. Our History Curriculum ignites children’s interest about the past in Britain and the wider world and is designed to build on children’s prior learning, introduce new experiences and enable children to make connections between their skills, knowledge and concepts and work independently and collaborating with others. Through finding out about how and why the world, our country, culture and local community have developed over time, children understand how the past influences the present. History enables children to develop a context for their growing sense of identity and a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. What children will learn through history can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values and enable them to enhance their cultural capital and know about life beyond Balby. At St Francis Xavier, our intent, when teaching history, is to stimulate the children’s curiosity in order for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding.



Year 1- Travel and Transport

Year 1 - Toys over time

Year 3 - Bronze, Stone and Iron Age

Year 4- May Civilisation

Year 2 - Significant People

Year 5 - Baghdad

Local History - Year 5

Year 5: Vikings

Year 3 - Trip to the museum - Stone Age workshop

Y2 visited Conisbrough Castle as part of their Kings and Queens topic.

Year 5: Anglo-Saxons and Scots

Year 4 - Roman Invasions

Year 3 - Stone Age

Year One had an amazing time at the seaside. We visited the RNLI centre which gave use lots of information about what they do and the different features of the lifeboat. Then we had lunch on the beach and played with buckets and spades in the sand. We had lots of fun and we are excited to learn all about our topic seaside now and then.

Year 5 - Baghdad and the Middle East

This half term Year 5 have been studying Baghdad and the Middle East in History. We have learnt how the Golden Age of Islam grew and what advancements where made in this time period. 
We also compared this to what life would be like in our local area in this time period before focusing on the decline of the empire. 

In Reception, we have been learning about prehistoric creatures. We have been learning about how can understand things from our past by reading books and exploring fossils.

In History, Year 2 have been learning all about the Great Fire of London. They have also been learning about what life was like in 1666. As well as this, they have been learning about how and why the fire started, why is spread so quickly and how life changed as a result of the fire.

Year 4 are looking at what life was like in Roman Britain

Year 3 Stone Age homework projects

For homework over the holidays Year 3 had to create and design their own Stone Age inspired projects. We have spears, drawings, fossils, Stone Age landscapes and caves. Here are the finished projects!

Black History Month - Year 6

For Black History Month, Year 6 have been focusing on Muhammad Ali and his contribution to Black History

Year 3 Black History Month

Still image for this video
For Black History Month Year Three have been focusing on Martin Luther King Jr. We have read poems about him, researched facts about him for homework and rewrote his famous 'I have a dream' speech. The children's 'I have a dream' speeches show their dreams and hopes for themselves as well as the world.

Year 2 are currently studying Kings and Queens

Year 4 are currently studying Roman Invasion

Year 5 are currently studying Anglo-Saxons and Scots

Year 6 are currently studying Ancient Egyptians

Nursery - History - Past and Present - Changes within Living Memory. Children have been exploring books, photographs and artefacts to support thinking and talking about what they can remember in their past and present lives. We have introduced key vocabulary to support our learning: Today, yesterday, tomorrow, present, past, future, when I was little, remember, long ago, order, sequence, old, new, then, now
