
St Francis Xavier

Catholic Primary School

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Knowledge End Points

Autumn Term 1

Geography Knowledge End Points

RE Knowledge End Points

Science Knowledge End Points

Computing Knowledge End Points

Music Knowledge Endpoints

Autumn Term 2

History Knowledge End Points

Science Knowledge End Points

Computing Knowledge End Points

Design and Technology

Spring Term 1

RE Knowledge End Points

History Knowledge End Points

Science Knowledge End Points

Music Knowledge End Points

Computing Knowledge End Points

Design and Technology

Spring 2

RE Knowledge End Points

History Knowledge End Points

Science Knowledge End Points

Music Knowledge End Points

Computing Knowledge End Points

Design and Technology

Summer Term 1

RE Knowledge End Points

Geography Knowledge End Points

Science Knowledge End Points

Music Knowledge End Points

Computing Knowledge End Points

Design and Technology

Summer Term 2

RE Knowledge End Points

History Knowledge end points

Science Knowledge end points

Music Knowledge End Points

Computing Knowledge end points
