Welcome to Year Five
Assistant Head Teacher: Mrs Shaw
Teacher: Miss Morris
Teaching Assistant: Ms Laughton
We are delighted to welcome you back for another exciting term here at St Francis Xavier. We look forward to working with you all and sharing in your successes as we move through the year together.
In Year 5, we work hard and always try our very best together as a team. We know that you can achieve greatness and fulfil your potential. Remember to be the best you can be and follow your dreams!
Our Learning
Join us this term as we learn about Asia as we become geographers. We will find out about mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. In science we will be exploring materials in our science lessons and learning how important they are to our everyday life.
For more details about our curriculum this half term, please see our Class Newsletter and Long Term Plans.
Key information for Year 5
- Reading books and reading records to be brought to school every day please. Reading underpins all the learning that takes place at St Francis Xavier and it's at the heart of our curriculum. To support reading, please could all children ensure that they read their school reading book each evening and that their reading planner is signed by an adult. At St Francis Xavier, we encourage children to choose their own read for pleasure book. I am really looking forward to hearing about the books, magazines and comics the children enjoy.
- Homework is sent out every Tuesday and is due in the following Monday. This will include calculation and spellings.
- Spellings will be a combination of Y5 statutory spelling words and Y5 spelling rules. Every Tuesday, all children will receive a new spelling list and then we will have a spelling test the following Monday. This allows children to have a week to learn the new spelling rules. As well as recalling spelling rules, it is very important that the children understand new vocabulary and know how to apply this in a sentence. Therefore, children will need to apply the given spellings into their own written sentences and hand this in alongside their spellings.
- Remember to log on to TT Rockstars at home regularly to support your child with practising their times tables skills.
- PE (outdoor) is every Wednesday afternoon this half term please ensure children have their P.E. kit in school.
- Please look at the class pages links for further information about curriculum/learning for our child this half term.
Thank you for your continued support.
Please don't hesitate to contact school if you have any questions or concerns.
Our first topic in Science this year is Earth and Space, we have been working hard to develop our scientific knowledge as well as immersing ourselves into the topic with a visit from Wonderdome to explore space exploration further.