We endeavor to inspire a love of learning in all of our pupils at St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School with the aim of enabling all of our children, not only to master the National Curriculum, but to enable the preparation of their next steps in Education and in their lives.
SMSC looks at all aspects of Social, Moral. Spiritual and Cultural areas of school life, it is linked to all areas of the National Curriculum and covered through many different lessons including RSE, Literacy and PE. This allows all of our children to become emotionally literate by the time they leave school.
To ensure the curriculum is broad and balanced many other areas are included within our timetables such as: Mental Health week, Road Safety week, Anti - Bullying events and many other topics which are covered over the year.
In March 2023, we celebrated Aspirations Week as a school looking at what we wanted to be when we were older. Children did a range of activities around this and on the Friday we had a special day where children came dressed in what they wanted to be when they were older and we had a special assembly from Commonwealth Gold Medallist sprinter Leon Baptiste.