At St Francis Xavier we have been learning about Catholic Social Teaching.
When we see something happening good or bad.
Catholic Social Teaching helps us to think about it and choose how to act.
Our children wanted to 'show they cared' and 'putting people most in need first' this Advent period by launching their own Christmas Angels appeal where they gathered donations from our St Francis Xavier community to give to Doncaster's homeless shelter charity. The donations were extremely appreciated and very well received.
Our chaplaincy team and school counsellors wanted to 'show we care' and 'think of everyone' this Christmas time by sharing special Christmas cards made by all of our children with others to hopefully put a smile on their face this Christmas.
They enjoyed posting the cards to the local community and also gave cards to Father Henry who kindly shared these with the women's refuge charity.
We were extremely lucky at St Francis Xavier to have Ann visit us from CAFOD to teach us all about Catholic Social Teaching, the important messages from Pope Francis and how we can make a difference for our school and community.
We are blown away by the kindness and compassion shown from our pupils and families with their Harvest donations. Some children have even worked hard at home to earn money to spend on donations for Harvest which is amazing! We are so proud of you and know these donations have been well received.