Welcome to Year 6
Teacher: Mrs Janvier
Teaching Assistant: Ms Laughton
Welcome to Year 6! Please check this page regularly for updates about what your child is learning in class.
Our Learning
This half term we will be studying the Ancient Greeks. In science, we will look at the Light and Shadows.
Year 6 Autumn 1 Messages
Our Learning
We are reading The Explorer by Katherine Rundell in Book Talk and Literacy. If you are enjoying this book, you might also enjoy these books by the same author...
We have been learning about Climate Change in Geography. We used our new knowledge to plan and write an explanation text.
Year Six went on a trip to Crucial Crew. They did several different workshops such as knife crime, water safety, arson and court. They learnt great life skills that will keep them safe in the future.
In RSE, we have been looking at how each and every individual child is unique, and they all have unique talents. The children chose to express their talents through the medium of drama.
In class, Year 6 have been learning about what Remembrance means and the importance of Armistice Day. They were then tasked with creating a poem or prayer based on Remembrance.
We have been planning, editing and writing an independent piece of writing. The children have been writing an instructions text that is linked to their topic of ancient Egypt.
We have been using formal written methods for all four operations and have been applying these to help us solve problems.
This half term, we have been learning about ancient Egypt. We have looked at a variety of key questions to enable us to think like historians.
This half term, we have been looking at light and perception - focusing on how the eye works, how light travels, how shadows are formed. We have also completed investigations where we have posed a scientific question, made a hypothesis, written a method, included our variables (dependent, independent and controlled), take results, written a conclusion and evaluated our investigation.
For Black History Month, we have been focusing on Muhammad Ali as our significant figure.
Key Information:
Homework: Homework will be set weekly - on a Tuesday - and due to be handed in the following Monday. Homework will consist of spellings, times tables practice SPAG, Reading and Mathematics.
PE: PE is currently on a Monday. All children must have the correct school PE kit, which consists of white t-shirt and black shorts. Tracksuits may be worn as the weather turns colder and please could you ensure that all children have the appropriate footwear so that they can participate fully.
Reading: Children have the opportunity to take a reading book home to read and also have access to reading for pleasure books from the classroom and the library. In Year 6, your children are also very fortunate to have access to Reading Plus, which is a superb online resource that will develop both their reading skills and their vocabulary.
We challenge your children to read their school book at home daily and bring their reading record to school too.
Previous SATS papers.
2019 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Materials
2018 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Materials