The Catholic Life of the School
Through this page, we aim to share with you and celebrate many of the elements which make our Catholic school so special and show how families, the Parish and the school work together in supporting the development of our children's faith and Religious Education.
Fr Henry and the chaplaincy team led the children and staff at St Francis Xavier in their Ash Wednesday liturgy.
The chaplaincy team created the prayer station 'Pray for Peace' as they wanted to think about people who need our prayers all around the world. During our prayer meeting time, children can come into the quiet space of the prayer room and add their prayer for peace around the world. Both children and staff have visited the prayer station guided by the Chaplaincy Team.
'Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.'
Romans 12:18
To finish our Autumn term, we gathered together with parents and Father Henry for our beautiful carols around the crib service.
Well done to our school choir for spreading Christmas joy in the local community, with a beautiful Christmas choir service
Our school chaplaincy team asked the children throughout school to bring donations to give to our local refuge.
Fr Henry visited our Y4, Y5 and Y6 pupils to help them to prepare to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent. Fr Henry returned following this session to administer the sacrament to pupils in our school prayer room.
We were very lucky to be able to welcome Fr Henry back to lead our Mass on the Feast Day of St Francis Xavier. It was also lovely to listen to the prayers written and read by our chaplaincy team and to be joined by both parents and parishioners.
Our lunchtime club Messy Church began yesterday and the children had so much fun! Our focus was Moses and in particular Exodus 2 when Moses was found in a basket on the Nile by the Pharoah's daughter. We also discussed Moses parting the Red Sea and his journey to the promised land. These stories inspired our activities of making a baby basket for Moses made from rice krispies, parting a sea of pepper with washing up liquid and drawing a sandy footprint with the words 'God is with me wherever I go'.
Thank you Father Henry for joining us at St Francis Xavier to bless our advent wreaths.
It was lovely to see so many children and parents in school helping to make our Advent wreaths.
Fr Henry came into school to speak to our KS2 children all about the Rosary. The children loved having the opportunity to ask lots of questions about the Rosary and what it means to Catholics and Fr Henry. They were fascinated and learnt lots!
Our Year 5 and 6 children enjoyed our walk to St Peters in Chains to visit St Bernadette's Relics. It was a very special event to be a part of.